Saturday, December 17, 2011


This is an interview with Amy Gerber, a teacher who teaches her students about coral reefs and then they visit some coral reefs in the Bahamas.

What effect do coral reefs have on the oceans?
A Healthy Coral Reef
  • Coral reefs are almost as species rich and species diverse as a tropical rainforest. They provide the habitat for countless species of plants (algae), invertebrates, and fish and support an extensive food web. Coral reefs (especially barrier reefs) also act as shoreline protectors by absorbing energy from the ocean.

How can bleached coral reefs become unbleached?
  • Once the coral polyps have died from bleaching there is no way to bring them back. However, the entire coral boulder/head may not be affected and parts that are not affected can recover. A new generation of coral can settle and build on the bleached area as long as the habitat is healthy. 

What are some ways to prevent bleaching and destruction of coral reefs?
  • Understanding bleaching is still not 100%. When coral becomes "bleached" it is spitting out the zooxanthellae algae that it lives symbiotically with and as a result loses its color. There are several potential causes for this including increased temperature and chemical pollution. To prevent bleaching we need to better understand the causes then try to reduce/eliminate the causes.
A Dead Coral Reef

In what way are coral reefs one of the most productive ecosystems?
  • There is a lot of energy at the base of the ocean food chain. The algae photosynthesizes and produces both oxygen and glucose making the ocean a very productive system.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Coral Reef Destruction in Fiji


Coral reefs are on of the most diverse ecosystems throughout the world. They provide a habitat for about 25% of all marine species. The coral reefs found today are a result of production anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 years ago. The corals are actually very small, and the reefs are made up of of calcium carbonate, which is secreted by the corals. The corals that are able to produce reefs are called hermatypic. Reefs are usually found in clear, tropical waters(61°F to 86°F) that are low in phosphorus and nitrogen, and have a stable temperature and salt content. There are three types of reefs: barrier reefs, fringing reefs, and atolls. Pain-killers and anti-cancer drugs have been developed from coral reefs, and research is being done to use the coral reefs as an example on how to increase bone growth in humans. Besides the beauty of the reefs, they are beneficial to the health of humans.


There have been troubles with coral reefs recently because of rising water temperatures, destructive fishing practices, and careless divers. Because of rising water temperatures, coral reefs are becoming bleached. Bleaching is the loss of all color in the corals. This happens in any type of stress, but especially the stress of higher water temperatures. With the destructive fishing practices, using dynamite or cyanide can horribly damage the reefs. Fishers also ruin the reefs because they harvest the coral for aquariums. Divers can damage the corals by touching them. When touching them, the divers can injure the corals, or possibly kill the coral reefs.

In Fiji, 80% of people live on the coast, and they rely on the income based on marine life. Fiji has rare marine species in its coral reef compared to the coral reefs throughout the rest of the world.


People that are around the coral need to be more careful. Divers who will be diving around the coral reefs need to be educated about the coral reefs before they should be allowed to dive. Fishers need to be informed about the location of the corals and not fish around there to support the life of the coral reefs.