Tuesday, January 3, 2012

International Relations Paradigms


Marxism could explain the problem of coral reef destruction in Fiji because Fiji is fairly dependent upon tourism to the coral reefs as a source of income for their economy. Because of the tourism, money goes to the government, which helps everybody in the country. Coral reefs are a major source of income they can benefit all the people, and when the coral reefs are being destroyed, there is a decrease in tourism, which negatively impacts the economy.


Realism can also explain this problem because realism developed from idealism, which emphasizes international law and organizations which can be used in Fiji with the coral reefs. International tourists are a big part of coral reef tourism in Fiji.

1 comment:

  1. Rather than Marxism, you might have wanted to use Liberalism, given the stance you're trying to take. Liberalists would say that since Fiji relies so heavily on the reefs for tourism, Fiji might want to organize an international alliance with other "reef-rich" countries to try to convince others about the environmental impact.

    In all honesty, a realist would probably find no importance in this matter, especially since Fiji is not of much strategic value, and therefore, can not help any country gain more power--unless you can convince me otherwise.
