Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Three Solutions That Can Help Restore Coral Reefs

1. Reducing the fishing of species of reef fish. Reducing the fishing of these species of fish can help restore coral reefs because studies have shown that a decline in reef fish is connected to a decline in the coral reefs.

2. No longer allow dynamite fishing practices. When fishers use dynamite when they fish, coral reefs are destroyed, which means a habitat for many species of animals is destroyed.
3. Proper training for tourists and other people who will be around coral reefs when scuba diving, etc. These people who deal with corals contribute to reef destruction because by touching, kicking, kneeling, etc. these people destroy the reefs. These careless mistakes could be prevented by proper training.


  1. We should consider the repercussions of restricting the fishermen. Fishing is a big industry in Fiji.

    A definite plus that you mention is educating those who will be around the reefs.

  2. Stupendous Blogging!!! Fishing with dynamite seems quite unnecessary. I can definitely see this practice being harmful to the reefs. If the reason for fishermen using dynamite is due to lack of legitimate equiptment, maybe the government could step in and help provide them with basic fishing materials.

  3. Good job finding such fantastic solutions. Dynamite+Fishing=? This Solution seems like it would have a fairly significant impact as dynamite and fish just don't seem to mix.
